DEVUE Christel

Chargée de cours

DEVUE Christel

Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l'Education
Département de Psychologie
Psychologie et neurosciences cognitives
Psychologie et Neuroscience Cognitives (PsyNCog)

ULiège address
Bât. B32 Psychologie cognitive
Quartier Agora
place des Orateurs 2
4000 Liège 1
ULiège phone number
+32 4 3669282
Captcha : Put the image in the right direction

Conseil sectoriel à la recherche et à la valorisation
Sciences humaines
Personal website (s)

University degrees
2008: PhD in Psychological Sciences (Université de Liège)


After obtaining a PhD in Psychological Sciences at the University of Liège in 2008, I did a post-doctoral fellowship under a mandate from the F.R.S-FNRS at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands). I then conducted research and taught at the Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) for many years.

I am back at my Alma mater since September 2021 to teach psychology and cognitive neuroscience and to develop my research on facial recognition in humans.


Current research

I am interested in how visual perception, visual attention, and memory interact to allow us to apprehend the world and behave appropriately.

These cognitive processes and their interactions are manifest in complex tasks such as face recognition and person identification, and these fields thus consistute an ideal microcosm for studying the cognitive system as a whole.

I also have a passion for the visual arts. My amateur practice of portraiture has led to research on face expertise in portrait artists and has sparked my interest in individual differences in face processing skills.

In that latter area, I am interested in understanding the role of various cognitive factors related to person recognition in explaining individual abilities, which vary remendously in the general population. While some people claim that they never forget faces (a claim our research has called into question), others, with developmental prosopagnosia suffer from debilitating recognition deficits. These deficits are well described in the literature but still need to be explained. Moreover, the impact of face recognition deficits on people's psychosocial wellbeing is unclear and one of my goals is to delve into that too.



Wenrui LI (PhD student)

Kévin NGUY (PhD student)

Valentine VANOOTIGHEM (post-doc - Research assistant)


Research field

  • Psychologie cognitive
  • Neurosciences cognitives
  • Psychologie expérimentale
  • Émotion et cognition

Duties or mandates

  • Lecturer

ULiège Course

Neuroscience cognitive (Partim 1 : Fondements), 60h Th, BASTIN Christine, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud, DEVUE Christel, MAJERUS Steve, PONCELET Martine

Psychologie cognitive appliquée, 30h Th, 30h Pr, DEVUE Christel

Psychologie cognitive appliquée, 15h Th, 15h Pr, DEVUE Christel

Développements théoriques en psychologie cognitive, 30h Pr, DEVUE Christel

Développements théoriques en psychologie cognitive, 15h Th, 15h Pr, DEVUE Christel

Psychophysique et psychologie de la perception, 30h Th, DEVUE Christel, VANOOTIGHEM Valentine

Psychologie de la cognition et du langage Partim 1, 30h Th, DEVUE Christel, PONCELET Martine

Psychologie de la cognition et du langage - partim 2, 40h Th, DEVUE Christel, PONCELET Martine

Neurosciences cognitives, 30h Th, BASTIN Christine, COLLETTE Fabienne, D'ARGEMBEAU Arnaud, DEVUE Christel, MAJERUS Steve, PONCELET Martine

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